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  • The Conference adopted the women's development strategy and an implementation plan; The Committee's leaders undertook field visits to a number of ministries as a means of supporting and enhancing the role of the Status of Women Directorate in each of the ministries concerned; Preparation of a database of civil society organizations directed by women or whose activities are aimed at women, with a view to creating a mechanism for coordination and communication on shared concerns; The Committee, along with eleven civil society organizations, participates in a programme aimed at combating violence against women; The Committee organized campaigns in the governorates of Aden, Dhamar, Al-Mahwit, Abyan and Ibb for support and assistance to women candidates for election to the House of Representatives at the 2003 elections; An assessment of difficulties and obstacles that have prevented women from obtaining access to the House of Representatives, and publication of the findings in the form of a study entitled Political participation by Yemeni women: between socio-cultural obstacles and the democratic project.
    - نظمت اللجنة حملات دعم ومناصرة للمرشحات لانتخابات مجلس النواب نيسان/أبريل 2003 شملت محافظات (عدن، ذمار، المحويت، أبين، إب)؛
  • The play, which deals with the subject of early marriage and the practice of not allowing girls to attend school, was performed in Sana`a, Aden and Abyan; Training of 392 men and women preachers and teachers of Islamic religion in the National Capital Region and in Dhamar, `Amran and Sana`a Governorates with a view to defining the problem and condemning it on the grounds that it is incompatible with the values of Yemen's Islamic society and has an adverse impact on development.
    - تدريب 392 واعظاً وواعظة ومدرساً ومدرسة للتربية الإسلامية في أمانة العاصمة ومحافظات ذمار وعمران وصنعاء وأبين بهدف التعريف بالمشكلة وإدانتها لأنها لا تتفق وقيم المجتمع اليمني المسلم وآثارها السلبية في التنمية بالتعاون مع منظمة أوكسفام حول التوعية بمخاطر العنف على الفرد والمجتمع بصفة عامة؛
  • In the course of the past year and the present year, the Ministry has carried out a number of field visits to prisons in various governorates, as follows: Inspection of prison conditions and the state of inmates in `Amran, Hadhramaut, Dhamar and Al-Bayda' Governorates during the period 29 October - 6 November 2003; Inspection of prison conditions and the state of inmates in Sana'a, Aden, Ta'izz, Al-Hudaydah, Dhamar, Ibb, Lahaj, Abyan and Ad-Dali` Governorates; Inspection of the social rehabilitation centre for juvenile delinquent girls in the National Capital Region.
    - تفقد أحوال السجون والسجناء في محافظات عمران، وحضرموت، وذمار، والبيضاء في الفترة من 29 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر إلى 6 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2003؛
  • A priority in selecting partners for executing this micro project was given to the Women's Associations in the various governorates, such as Sanaa, Ammran, Dhammar, Hodeidea, Hadramout, Ibb.
    وأُعطيت الأولوية لاختيار الشركاء لتنفيذ هذا المشروع المتناهي الصغر للرابطات النسائية في مختلف المحافظات، منها محافظات صنعاء وعمران وذمار والحديدة وحضرموت وإب.
  • The project, which was executed in cooperation with Oxfam, was designed to enhance awareness of the hazards of violence for individuals and for society in general; Awareness training for law enforcement personnel, lawyers, media personnel, men and women preachers and teachers to enable them to understand the hazards of violence against women and the problems resulting from it; Nine training courses on opposition to violence and knowledge of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in a number of governorates, including Abyan, Dhamar, `Amran, Al-Mahwit, Ad-Dali`, Al-Bayda', Ma'rib, Hajjah and Sa`dah; the courses were attended by some 300 participants, both men and women, from governmental and non-governmental organizations; A meeting of imams from mosques and preachers at a training session organized by the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Guidance.
    - تنفيذ تسع دورات تدريبية في مجال مناهضة العنف وكذلك التعريف باتفاقية القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة في المحافظات التالية: أبين، ذمار، عمران، المحويت، الضالع، البيضاء، مأرب، حجة، وصعدة استهدفت 300 مشاركٍ ومشاركةٍ من الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية؛